
Once your fire protection system is installed, Roar Fire facilitates appropriate commissioning with governing authorities and third party certifiers, to test functionality and to ensure the fire system works as it should in an emergency.

Fire systems include:

  • Hydrants
  • Pumps
  • Tanks
  • Sprinkler Systems
  • Interface with Fire Indicator Panel
  • Boost Testing of all Hydrant Systems inclusive of high rise

We are skilled in running pumps, interface testing between pump sets and monitored valves and fire indicator panels, flow switches and DBAs (Direct Brigade Alarms), recording data and making sure it is all working within Australian Standards.  The information is recorded, given to the client and sent to governing authorities and third party certifiers for acceptance.  ITPs (Inspection Testing Procedures) are  ticked off, recorded and signed off through the process to ensure all steps are followed.  All reports are then sent through to client certifying the system is compliant.

Roar Fire coordinates all commissioning bodies and provides technical support throughout the commissioning process.  We have our own in-house team of commissioning managers who walk through the process of signing off ITPs and filter all relevant information to stakeholders.